

Mogliano is located on a ridge between the Cremone and Ete Morto valleys, at the heart of the maceratese hills. The tour begins after Porto Roma, where the elegance of the eighteenth century Palazzo Nuschi reflects that of other residences overlooking the town’s main street: here, we can admire a spectacular staircase and the facade of the Church of S. Gregorio Magno, nearby the imposing mass of Palazzo Forti, the magnificent residence of the homonymous family, now the Town Hall. The church of S. Maria di Piazza, the ancient Oratorio della Madonna della Misericordia, and the Apollo Theatre adorn the town square, which opens up to surprising view of Via Regina Margherita in an escaping perspective towards Porta di Levante.



Via A. Adriani, 6
+39 0733 557771